Extract of the Press release ” Great news for Acouphènes Québec “, published on June 8th, 2015.
May 23rd, 2015, during the annual General assembly, members of Acouphènes Quebec have elected representative Dre Sylvie Hébert as President d’ Acouphènes Québec. During her election, she wished that her mandate is centred on the revitalization, the development and the optimization of the Acouphènes Québec members services. She also wished to increase business relationships with the public and private bodies and other associations.
Dre Hébert can count on a experimented team : M. Ronald Choquette, 1st Vice-president, M. Alain Bédard, outgoing President and 2nd Vice-president, M. Normand Gour, Treasurer and secretary and MM Henri Bergeron, Louis Dufresne and Pierre Leblanc, administrators.
- Click here to read the new president’s words published in “L’Oreille Bruyante”, July 2015.
- Click here to consult the press release.
- Click here to reach the Acouphènes Québec website.